How can chatbots help your business?

Chatbots have been all the buzz these days. You see them in abundance in Facebook Messenger. What might be the reason for this sudden surge in chatbots? Why are they getting so popular?

The purpose of a chatbot is to support and scale business teams in their relations with customers. Doing this helps businesses save a lot of money which is why many business owners are adopting this technology. And given the fact that these bots can be placed in places like Facebook Messenger, Slack, Telegram, SMS based or on your own website gives you the potential to reach a bigger audience.

Chatbots may sound like a futuristic notion, but according to Global Web Index statistics, it is said that 75% of internet users are adopting one or more messenger platforms. Although research shows us that each user makes use of an average of 24 apps a month, wherein 80% of the time would be in just 5 apps. This means you can hardly shoot ahead with an app, but you still have high chances to integrate your chatbot with one of these platforms.

Now lets go through some of the benefits that chatbots provide:

  1. They are available 24/7
  2. The can handle customer problems
  3. Help you save money on customer service
  4. Never get angry at customers
  5. Can automate tasks to get you more business

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